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Calciatoribrutti in MIAMI

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The seventh stop of our WORLD TOUR is in MIAMI!

You heard right: we’re going to see his majesty Lionel Messi! But also Suarez, Sergio Busquets, Jordi Alba… and above all, on this trip we’ll also see a Miami Heat NBA game! It will be 5 days in the United States between sports, nightlife and endless emotions. Read the program below, we’ve cooked up something truly unique. We can’t wait to leave, are you coming with us?


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It’s Friday, April 4th: the big day has arrived. Let’s go see Messi live, in Miami! But not only that: there’s also the excitement of a Miami Heat NBA match waiting for us!

We leave from Rome to dive into the overwhelming atmosphere of Miami, arriving in the city of dreams late in the evening (if you arrive from other Italian cities, no problem: during the booking phase we will propose solutions for the approach flights from the airport closest to your home!).

A private van all for us awaits us and, after arriving at a 4-star hotel in Miami Beach, it’s time to relax and prepare for what will happen on this dream trip!

The evening will be completely free, so we can go and have a proper cocktail or visit the best clubs in the area that offer music, entertainment and much more.

It’s already our second trip to Miami and we know the best places well: in short, we guarantee that this city never disappoints and we are right here at the best time of the season! But we can’t stay too late, tomorrow is already something absurd…

Saturday, April 5: wake up champion!

After a night of “rest”, we are ready to explore the beaches of Miami. A hearty breakfast (always included) in the hotel, then we go up to the room to put on swimsuits, flip-flops and sunglasses: we’re off to the beach!

Miami’s nightlife is crazy, but with the sunlight we will appreciate many incredible sides of this city: murals and art everywhere, street artists, a crazy beach and people in swimsuits walking around the streets, but also basketball courts right on the seafront and lots of sports on the sand.

In short, the Miami we have always seen in the movies! And speaking of movies, we are ready to replicate Aldo’s timeless header in Three Men and a Leg: a game on the beach awaits us among us, because 4 slippers and a ball are enough for us to live a dream. And then we can say we overturned in Miami Beach! For the more adventurous, there is also an outdoor gym on the beach, or shops of all kinds on the seafront.

But the second highlight of this crazy day awaits us: the motorboat tour in Bayside! We will see Miami from another point of view, in the open sea! We will also take a short tour of the “VIP homes” on the islands of the Miami bay, just to remind ourselves that we only need 20-30 million in our bank account to buy them.

We have already had two experiences that we will carry in our hearts, but the high point of the day has not yet arrived: the Miami Heat arena awaits us for Miami Heats vs. Milwaukee Bucks! The excitement, the entertainment and everything that an NBA game in Miami can offer are there for us. From the warm-up to the shows in the middle of the game, everything is crazy. But since we want to pamper you properly, we are also preparing a few surprises for you…

The return to the hotel is late in the evening, but since it is in the center of the nightlife you can enjoy Miami Beach even tonight. What a day!

Sunday, April 6: THAT day has arrived!

Breakfast at the hotel, with an eye always on the Serie A fields that are played right at that time. After all, Bonny’s goal at Fanta doesn’t just score itself.

By now we know Miami Beach like the back of our hands, so we can also wait for lunch among the American college students on the beach who are here for Spring Break. It feels like being in a movie!

But the real emotion of the day is the one that Inter Miami will give us: with a private transfer we reach Fort Lauderdale, home of the stadium where Lionel Messi, Suarez, Busquets, Jordi Alba and many others give us the vibes of the Barcelona of dreams every Sunday. The ex-Blaugrana have found a new home in Miami and a new audience to make fall in love, and today we are among them too! We got the tickets in the middle of the curve, which is a real show: drums, trumpets, banners and an atmosphere of a South American match, also because the team’s fans are mostly of Central/South American origin!

Last year we enjoyed 5 goals, one of which was scored by Messi right under our sector. Seeing him play live is an experience that probably won’t happen again for a long time, but we’re here. Oh, here too we have a nice little surprise in store for you…

Back to the hotel in the evening and…Noche Loca in a place where we got a table, tonight it’s offering CALCIATORIBRUTTI! But you know, on our travels the emotions never end…

Monday, April 7: another important breakfast and we immerse ourselves in one of the most beautiful neighborhoods in Miami, among murals and street artists, among music and local food.

The influence of cultures different from the American one has transformed Miami into a wonderful city full of colors, sounds and languages ​​that mix together making it one of the most visited places in the world. We will visit neighborhoods like Wynwood with its iconic street art or Little Havana, the neighborhood that most represents this. We warn you: if you want to go home with some memorabilia, here the souvenirs are truly crazy!

But, let’s be clear: what kind of trip is it without an ignorant soccer game among us? We rented a small field to play 7vs7, where obviously the loser pays for a beer. Following various challenges to make some videos to put on CALCIATORIBRUTTI, just in case we find a new viral phenomenon!

Quick shower and off to dinner: we like to end our trips with a good meal, reliving all the emotions of this unforgettable experience. We have experienced things that we will tell our friends, relatives and girlfriends. We have met new friends, football and sports fans like us. In short: we will remember these days forever.

Tuesday, April 8: we check out in the morning and enjoy the last local moments in Miami, since we know that you will have to bring magnets to friends and relatives in Italy and you will leave it to the last minute with all the things we will do in the previous days.

In the late afternoon we head to the airport, with a bit of melancholy but the certainty of having experienced a unique trip, dedicated to football and basketball but also to the discovery of a world so far from the one we are used to.

We saw Messi, we saw the NBA, we saw Miami…

What happens in Miami stays in Miami, but in this case also in a small corner of your heart.

Arrival in Italy and final greetings, even if we would like to leave immediately to do it all again… what a dream we lived!


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Arrivo in mattinata e trasferimento in hotel 4 stelle a Valencia per deposito bagagli e poi subito al circuit Ricardo Tormo. Faremo un giro indimenticabile del circuito su una piattaforma aperta guardando la pista dal punto di vista di un pilota. Sarà anche l’occasione per farci un’esclusiva foto con il trofeo del campione del mondo della MotoGP!
Il nostro cuore inizia già a battere all’unisono con i motori! Dopo una colazione che ci darà la giusta carica, ci dirigiamo al circuito Ricardo Tormo con i nostri biglietti per la Tribuna Roja Superior, pronti a immergerci nelle prove libere e cronometrate delle Moto GP, Moto 2 e Moto 3 a partire dalle 10.10. Alle 15, non perdiamo nemmeno un battito con la Gara Sprint Moto GP. Al termine dell’azione sul circuito, rientriamo in Hotel, ma la giornata non è finita: c’è l’opportunità di un Tour serale di Valencia con degustazione di Tapas per continuare a godere dell’atmosfera e del gusto della città.
Oggi è il giorno clou del nostro viaggio, il momento in cui il cuore batte più forte e l’emozione è palpabile nell’aria. Dopo una colazione che ci prepara mentalmente e fisicamente, torniamo al circuito Ricardo Tormo. Ancora una volta, ci sediamo nella Tribuna Roja Superior, pronti a seguire il Warm Up e le gare mozzafiato della Moto3 (alle 11:00), Moto2 (alle 12:15) e infine la regina delle corse, la MotoGP (alle 14:00). Ogni curva, ogni sorpasso, ogni brivido sarà vissuto intensamente, mentre sosteniamo i nostri piloti preferiti. Al termine della giornata, torniamo in hotel con i cuori pieni di emozioni, pronti a rilassarci e a condividere le nostre esperienze indimenticabili.
Dopo una colazione rigenerante, è giunto il momento di dire addio a Valencia e a questo incredibile weekend. Facciamo il check-out dall’hotel e ci dirigiamo verso l’aeroporto per il nostro volo di ritorno, portando con noi i ricordi indelebili di questa straordinaria avventura nella MotoGP. Grazie Valencia, hai fatto vibrare le nostre anime e hai reso questo viaggio indimenticabile. Speriamo di tornare presto!


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


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La possibilità di personalizzare i viaggi in base agli interessi specifici dei clienti, come la partecipazione a eventi sportivi, tour guidati e altre attività speciali, arricchisce l’offerta e soddisfa esigenze particolari.


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Offrire un servizio che gestisce ogni aspetto del viaggio, dalla prenotazione dei voli, hotel e tutti i dettagli, per permettere ai clienti di concentrarsi solo sul divertimento e sull’esperienza.


Esperienze Uniche

La capacità di creare pacchetti che combinano viaggi e sport o eventi offre ai clienti esperienze uniche e memorabili, che possono includere biglietti per eventi, accesso a aree VIP, e attività correlate.

La possibilità di personalizzare i viaggi in base agli interessi specifici dei clienti, come la partecipazione a eventi sportivi, tour guidati e altre attività speciali, arricchisce l’offerta e soddisfa esigenze particolari.
Gestione del Viaggio

Offrire un servizio che gestisce ogni aspetto del viaggio, dalla prenotazione dei voli, hotel e tutti i dettagli, per permettere ai clienti di concentrarsi solo sul divertimento e sull’esperienza.
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4 April 2025 Guaranteed €2.990,00
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Are you ready for the seventh trip with Calciatoribrutti to Miami?

We set off on a trip that promises unparalleled excitement! After arriving in the city of dreams, accommodation in a 4-star hotel in Miami Beach and a free evening to explore the clubs and nightlife. But the real heart of the trip comes the next day, with the excitement of experiencing football and other sports up close.

Day two begins with a hearty breakfast at the hotel, then we dive into the unique atmosphere of Miami: beaches, urban art, basketball courts on the sand and a speedboat tour that takes us to see the splendid VIP mansions. The afternoon culminates with the Miami Heat ‘s NBA game against the Milwaukee Bucks. Emotions also abound at the Miami-Dade Arena, where the intensity of the game and the breathtaking atmosphere will leave us with unforgettable memories. In the evening, still time to enjoy Miami Beach.

The third day is the one everyone is waiting for: we are ready to experience a unique thrill withInter Miami. With a private transfer, we arrive at the Fort Lauderdale stadium where Messi, Suarez, Busquets and Jordi Alba play under our watchful eye. Among the local fans, we experience a real football party, immersed in a South American atmosphere. The evening ends with a noche loca in Miami Beach.

On the fourth day, we explore cultural Miami: amidst murals, street art and lively Little Havana, we discover the true soul of the city. And, of course, there is no shortage of classic football between us. The day ends with a special dinner, an excellent opportunity to relive together the emotions we have experienced over the past few days.

On the fifth day, we bid farewell to the city with a bit of melancholy, but aware that we had lived a unique experience. We saw Messi, attended an NBA game and explored a city rich in culture, sport and entertainment. A trip that will remain in the hearts of all of us.


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